Friday, January 29, 2010

West and Veil

ISLAM v/s WEST or ISLAM v/s REST, isn't it what you're being told, the last decade was all about? Well, the fight(whatever it maybe) is getting more and more evident with west getting more & more confused and getting entangled in its own trap! None, explains it better than France's latest attempts to ban all covering Burqa on its territory. It seems that when all attempts of spreading bikini-culture by West are yielding nothing and on the contrast more & more Girls from West are opting for Burqa and Islam, west's frustration is becoming apparent. It forgot its own doctrine of personal and religious freedom and secularism while trying to ban Burqa in France and minarets in Switzerland. Mr. Obama and US who are much Vocal about so called Human rights violation in Iran, China, Korea chose to keep mum on these instances.But we as Muslims aren't worried. Rather we are amused, for Holy Quran says "They have their plans, Allah has his own. And Allah is the best of planners".