Saturday, December 24, 2011

Musings: Engineers, Environment & Society

At a time when “Eco-friendliness” & “Going Green” is flavor of the season and engineers, especially from Civil branch, and builders are squabbling to project their next real estate endeavor as “Green” and technical journals are full of “Green Technologies” with yet new, and intricate, jargons doing rounds, I find myself a bit confused. Because, on the other hand, I find newspapers and TV full of glossy commercials, selling us the latest gas guzzling SUVs or CFC ejecting ACs, and government ads , boasting of new infrastructure projects and power plants – all recipes of environmental disaster. Big media houses and corporations which run campaigns about ‘Going Green’ scoff over activists protesting big infrastructure projects and environment ministry regulations, calling them “Green hurdles”! What’s happening on the earth?

When you dig deep into it – something we the engineers seldom do when it comes to economics and politics (All that boooring stuff, ya know!) – you’ll come to the conclusion that all this Green talk is a bit farcical. Either way the big corporations and politicians are trying their next trick to make big buck; environment be damned! Even when they are asserting their green credentials they are making an attempt to be in the good books of Activists/NGOs and make soft corner in the consumer heart. Keep watching them till they show their true colours – which certainly don’t include Green.


Much deliberation has led me to a conclusion which, I think, holds as much true for individuals as for organizations: Being Green isn’t about being fussy, it’s about being simple. Think it over. We may discuss the myriad technical ways to curb noise pollution, but don’t mind breaking all the barriers of Decibel during festivities. We may post wise little statements about preserving water on FB and make excellent presentations on rain water harvesting, but fail to follow simple guidelines of using water judiciously: Use bucket instead of shower; Keep water tap closed while brushing or shaving. We may bemoan over the spiraling fuel prices and express gloom over the future scenario with some of us giving serious thoughts to alternate energy or green energy, but riding a bicycle or using a public transport service, like bus, instead of bikes is below our standard.

Load sheddings and electric bills may bother us, but we aren’t at all bothered by tube lights left glowing and fans rotating for nobody at our homes and workplaces (Especially in the college, I’ve figured, the best way to ensure light and air our your head when you enter a room is to turn on all the switches on switchboard… Why bother your head about finding the correct one?). We may be concerned about the hole developing in Ozone layer and subsequent global warming and climate change, but will never figure out that CFCs responsible for it are mainly emanated from our ACs - a luxury at best which can be done away with. Yes, being green isn’t about being fussy, it’s about being simple, silly!


That brings us to the logic of introducing EVS as a subject in Engineering (and other gradation courses) – something we much fret about. Let’s go back to the basics. What’s the definition of Engineering? Is it anything other than utilizing natural resources for the benefit of humanity? And if the benefit of mankind is the ultimate goal, we should appreciate the fact that there already exists a perfectly engineered system put in place by the Almighty for our benefit. Look around you: Water cycle, mountains, your own body… Aren’t they marvels of flawless engineering? As engineers we can strive for the betterment of society using our God-given genius, but should take care that we don’t disturb the delicate balance of nature.

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